(Thanks to Court for creating these fabulous buttons for me last year!)
I guess it's finally time to announce the "What's in a Name 2" reading challenge, with all new categories. Very similar to this year's challenge, with a few exceptions.
*This is a challenge that anyone can join, no matter what types of books they like to read. You should be able to find books from any genre that will work.
*Dates: January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009
*The Challenge: Choose one book from each of the following categories.
1. A book with a "profession" in its title. Examples might include: The Book Thief, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Historian
2. A book with a "time of day" in its title. Examples might include: Twilight, Four Past Midnight, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
3. A book with a "relative" in its title. Examples might include: Eight Cousins, My Father's Dragon, The Daughter of Time
4. A book with a "body part" in its title. Examples might include: The Bluest Eye, Bag of Bones, The Heart of Darkness
5. A book with a "building" in its title. Examples might include: Uncle Tom's Cabin, Little House on the Prairie, The Looming Tower
6. A book with a "medical condition" in its title. Examples might include: Insomnia, Coma, The Plague
*You may overlap books with other challenges, but please don't use the same book for more than one category.
*Again, there will be some small prizes scattered throughout. No set schedule, so just be sure to check in once a while. There will also be a prize awarded at the conclusion to one participant who completes the challenge.
*You don't need to decide exactly which books you will be reading ahead of time, though you're certainly welcome to. Either way, I'd love to see your lists of possibilities, and I'll bet everyone else would love to read them as well. To join in, simply leave a link here. Or, if you don't have a blog, simply leave your name (and feel free to share your list in the comments if you'd like).
Would like to join in on this challenge. Haven't got my list posted yet, but do have a link set up to this blog. Take Care!!
I recently finished the last one, although I found it late in the year and did not post about it. But I'm keen to go for the new year so I'm signed up.
Sounds great!
Count me in.
Somehow I missed this Challenge last year but now is the season for making next year7s Challenge lists!
Fun, fun, fun.
Quenby/ Gaijinmama/ hikaruthedragon
I'll create a list of books later. Thanks for hosting!
I have a question about the Medical Condition book. I have found 3 titles so far and am not sure if any would coult: Poison Study, Magic or Madness and Ill Wind (either the ILl or the Wind!!!). Can you let me know and if one is suitable I will sign up.
I would love to join this challenge. Sounds like lost of fun
Sounds like fun
I've still to read book 6 for this year's challenge which I have thoroughly enjoyed. So I'm in for 2009 as well.
Posted my comment in the wrong place! Guess I shouldn't skip ahead when I read... This one sounds like a lot of fun and what great variety!
I am in! This was fun last year and I love your new categories. My post with book choices is up here:
I've nearly finished this year's challenge and I'm looking forward to next year's.
Thanks for hosting this again.
My potential list is here.
Alright, I'm in, I'm in :p This challenge and Carl's 2 are ones that I simply can't resist even though I swore not to join any challenges next year :p I haven't come up with a list...I think I'm just going to fill in the blanks as I go. Oh, and ignore the (Thief of Always) after my name, lol...that was saved from a previous Mr. Linky entry.
Hmm, this sounds like fun. I wonder if I can do it with all Australian books....
Here is my list of possible reads for this Challenge.
I'm looking forward to getting started, it was such fun making the list!
Sounds really fun and creative. I can't wait to start. I haven't the slightest idea what my list will be, but I be thinking about it now.
I've signed up for this, and my list of all Australian potentials - (well, except for a couple of Kiwis) are at http://anzlitlovers.wordpress.com/2008/11/09/whats-in-a-name/
This sounds fun. The only one I know for sure is the medical condition. I started Insomnia long ago when it came out and want to finish it. I'll work on the rest of the list and post to my blog.
This sounds great to join, thanks for organising!
This one has always sounded like such fun. I'm not big on challenges, but will have fun finding the titles to match.
I'm in! This one sounds fun and the books in the criteria are easy enough for me to find, I guess.
Let the games begin. I am really excited. It´s my first time to participate in this challenge.
Hi, I just joined.
Looking forward to a fun 2009 challenge!
This sounds like so much fun and fits in with my plans perfectly as it last all year.
I'd like to join, too. I think it'll be great fun. Looking forward to the challenge.
This looks like so much fun! I can't wait to get started!
I meant to do this before, anyway here is my link my blog post about this challenge, I decided to take the list of books and look at my list of TBR books.
I had fun with this year's challenge and am looking forward to the new one. Great categories!
Sounds like a great challenge, count me in :-) I posted my list on my blog.
Hi there! I just started a new blog and I'd like to take part in this challenge. I'm still getting my list ready but should have it up soon. Thanks!
:) I'm looking forward to it! This will be my first challenge.
See you
It is gonna be a blast picking out books for each category. Thanks for offerring this challenge.
This challenge will be my first one, but I'm really looking forward to it. The categories leave a lot of options open. Thanks for hosting!
I posted my list on my blog. I didn't finish the first challenge but the ones I missed are now part of the TBR 2009 challenge. LOL I'll get to them by hook or by crook.
I'm new to book blogging, so this will be my first challenge. I love the idea!
I posted my reading list through Mr. Linky, but it disappeared, so I'll post the link here:
I just signed up, this looks like heaps of fun!
Great challenge! Can't wait to get started!
I want in! I will post a link soon and think more about my list. What a fun idea!
I am in! This one will be fun.
This sounds like it is going to be difficult to search for these books, but I will try. Lindy
This sounds like an interesting challenge and I love that it can be done in tandem with the 999 challenge. I'm in!
This looks like fun!
I'll be setting up a challenge page on my blog for 2009 soon. I'll add this challenge to it then :)
This sounds like fun...I'm in!
83. stacy:
ok if i post now?
1 The Lost Thoughts of Soldiers, Falconer
2 West with the Night, Markham
3 The Betrothed, Manzoni
4 The Heart of a Boy, Cuore
5 The White Castle, Pamuk
6 Affliction, Banks
I missed out on this one last year. This will be fun!!
Count me in, but I'm not sure of my list yet.
I'm going to attempt to do this challenge for next year. Will work on my list over the following week!
I signed up a couple of weeks ago but just posted my list tonight on my Magic Bookcase site. Looking forward to getting started in January!
this sounds like fun!! i will post my list of books soon... need to think this one over a bit before i commit!
I'm in!
My list is not yet complete, but here it is.
My list is posted on my blog:
I'm ready to go! My list is at http://fleurfisher.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/whats-in-a-name-challenge/
I added myself twice. Sorry about that! Excited to join the fun though.
Hi, I wanted to join, but I don't have a blog... These are the books from my 2009 book challenge that fit into the What's in a Name categories:
Doctor Glas – Hjalmar Soderberg
Snake Catcher – Naiyer Masud
time of day:
Twilight Sleep – Edith Wharton
body part:
Allskin & Other Tales by Czech Women – Alexandra Buchler
Joys of Motherhood – Buchi Emecheta
The Castle – Franz Kafka
The White Castle – Orhan Pamuk
In the Shadow of No Towers – Art Spiegelman
Highcastle – Stanislaw Lem
St. Pancras Station – Simon Bradley
The House of Mirth – Edith Wharton
Ice Museum – Joanna Kavenna
medical condition:
Warts & All – Drew Friedman
Hangover Square – Patrick Hamilton
Nervous Conditions – Tsitsi Dangarembga
and as a ps to the above...
medical treatment:
Erotic Recipes: A Complete Menu for Male Potency Enhancement – Jiao Tong
Fun challenge!
Hello, i had a problem with my link so had to sign up under Mr.Linky again. Sorry about that.
I'm in! My list is almost done, I'll post it later on my blog : http://gaelletricote.canalblog.com/
Definitely looking forward to this challenge, thanks for hosting it again!!!
Sounds like a fun challenge. I'm in!
I'm in...will post my list and link to this blog!!
I couldn't resist your challenge. Here is where you can find my possibilities:
I'm pumped to try this challenge. Count me in! =)
Very excited about this!
I'm always up for a challenge - haven't even THOUGHT about what to read for your categories... but I'll put some thought into it...
This is gonna be so much fun!!!
Just joined the challenge (at least mentally--no list yet). I have a blog I started for an online class, but there aren't any entries to read:-).
I'd like to join this challenge and my book list is posted here: http://www.careyfamily.org/2009-reading-challenges/
for some reasons, the link i posted changed to another challenge I'm in. should I just sign up with mr linky again and is there a way you can delete the other one? i'm under "carmen alexis" number 120.
I'm excited to be joining! Here's my post, with some thoughts on reading lists
Sounds like a great challenge. Here is the link to my list of books for each category:
It was a lot of fun looking for the books for all of the different categories.
I had fun with this one last year, so count me in again!
This sounds like such fun! My list is posted on my blog.
I forgot that I signed up for What is in a Name Challenge last year. But I had a lot of things happened to me since I was diagnosed with ALS/Lou Gehrig's Disease in September. I will try to do better next year!
Judy/Intergalactic Bookworm
I cant wait :)
Hi, I signed up with my list, and realized I already had one up there. So could you delete the "Jules" at number 90 please? Sorry for the inconvenience!
Can't wait to start this challenge, some of these have been on by book shelf forever!
I've got my list of possibilities set up, and created a unique post for this challenge. Is there a way to update my Mr. Linky sign-up?
I can't wait!
Got my official sign up posted. Love this year's categories. Thanks Annie for creating such a clever and fun challenge!
I'm in. Category #6 was really hard for me to come up with a title.
I loved doing this challenge last year, looking forward to 2009! Thanks for hosting again.
I'm in. Thanks for hosting! :)
Thanks for hosting! I'm looking very forward to this challenge, it should be a lot of fun! =D
What a great idea. I'm thrilled to join you in this challenge! Happy Reading!
Oh, I am really looking forward to start!!! This should be fun! My list of books can be seen in my blog ;-).
What a brilliant idea. Must take list to bookstore. :) Cannot wait to get started.
I wanted to do this last year but it was too late when I found it. I've got my post up but no books yet - they will be coming though:)
I'm so in for this. I'm putting a little twist on it and selecting each of my books from Pulitzer Prize winners for fiction. Thanks for hosting.
My tbr list is now posted and linked. Thank you.
I'm in! I listed three books that I think falls into these categories. Thanks for hosting.
I think this looks like fun, though I've never tried a book challenge like this before. Count me in.
This one should be fun, and a little bit of work on my part to find books that fit the part.
I'd like to try this! It might be a day or so before I get my potential list compiled. May have to change it depending on what books are available. Sounds fun!
Thanks for letting me join the fun:)
Yes! Again!
going off to brainstorm about my list, thanks for organizing.
And Happy New Year everyone!
Sounds like a fun challenge. Thanks!
This is my first book challenge and I think it will be a lot of fun. I am going to encourage my children to do it with me. Still thinking about the books since I only found out about this yesterday.
Got my list out!
It was so fun to find books to match each catagory! I can't wait to get started :-)
sounds like fun, I'll be making my booklist this week, any excuse to visit Powell's!
Here is a link to my list:
This sounds like a unique way to group books to read. Very creative.
Sounds like good fun!
Yay!!! I am signed up! I will post my book list on my blog in a few days.
I'm in! This sounds like fun!
Rhinoa: Ill Wind should work but don't take my word for it, I have a question too!
Does Someday Soon work for time of day?
Thank you for hosting!
I'm late to the game but hey! What's one more challenge?
Thanks for hosting! I don't have a good list yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with some!
I'm also late to this challenge and a bit new at blogging, but I'm really excited. :)
Thanks for hosting. :D
Also, I'll create a list later. :)
Yea! I am up for a Reading Challenge in 2009! Is it already February?
Hi! I thought it would be fun to try this. I haven't decided my entire list yet, but here are the first two:
Building: JRR Tolkein, The Two Towers
Body Part: Cornelia Funke, Inkheart
I just found this. How much fun. I want to join in on this challenge. Do I understand that I post my list on my blog and link it to yours? I shall add you to my blog list tonight and become a follower. How do I get the widget/button to post on my blog (I am very new at this) Thanks, Bingo from http://bookinwithbingo.blogspot.com
very excited!
I'm enjoying your challenge even though I don't have a blog. I simply posted my list of reads on LibraryThing - among my other challenges for this year. Thanks for doing this.
I'm very late but I hope I'm not too late! Thanks for hosting this one again!
I hope I'm not too late.
joined up cause I just found it. I hope it's not to late
I've signed up, looks like a good challenge.
Hi! I wanted to join again this year and thought I did so in December, however I can't find my name so I've joined again. Sorry, but my name might be here twice.
I'm coming in a bit late, but I'm pretty excited about this challenge!
Finished! Here's my list on LibraryThing:
Finished this was awesome.
I realized I don't think I ever officially joined this, but I'm really enjoying the challenge. Thank you for hosting it!
Hi, I would like to join in the fun! Since I have already read some appropriate books this year, I'll post those titles in my blog in a shortwhile.
Well, here's my list! I hope you don't think I've bent the rules too much... If so, let me know! ;)
Can I still join?
I've already have a list of books I've read so far and some of them count and I can add on to that. Thanks
What a fun challenge!
- Mika
Hey, sorry for joining so late, i've only just stumbled across this but it sounds like a great idea :) i like the way its so open so people can include the genres they enjoy.
heres my post, but there are some on my list that i think might be stretching it a bit, so i hope to make the choices more suitable once i've been to the library and bookstore. Thanks, Jen
Hi ..
I've just stumbled across this challenge in one of my friend's blog..and I love it..it is so fun and intersting
This is my blog's link where I will post my progress and review of my readings..
Thanks for this intersting challenge..
Woo Hoo! I've completed all my books. I think I cheated on the medical condition - my book is Wearing Death. Death is a medical condition, right?
Here's the rest of my list
I have "dead," "death" and "crazy" so far this year - surely at least one of those qualifies as a medical condition? (My link.)
Ok, I don't have a blog or anything like that, but here is my list. I have read all of these books this year, and if I read more I will update my list! :D
1.A book with a "profession" in its title.
-The Grey King by Susan Cooper
-The Supernaturalists by Eoin Colfer
-The Giver by Lois Lowry
2. A book with a "time of day" in its title.
-Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
-Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
3. A book with a "relative" in its title.
-The Sisters Grimm: Fairytale Detectives by Michael Buckley
-The Sisters Grimm: The Unusual Suspects by Michael Buckley
-The Sisters Grimm: The Problem Child by Michael Buckley
-The Sisters Grimm: Once Upon a Crime by Michael Buckley
-The Sisters Grimm: Magic and Other Misdemeanors by Michael Buckley
-The Sisters Grimm: Tales from the Hood by Michael Buckley
-The Sisters Grimm: The Everafter War by Michael Buckley
-The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis
4. A book with a "body part" in its title.
-Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
-The Forest of the Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
-Wings by Aprilynne Pike
5. A book with a "building" in its title.
-City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
-City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
-City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
6. A book with a "medical condition" in its title.
-Frost Bite by Richelle Mead
- You Are So Undead To Me by Stacey Jay
kinda late in joining, but I hope I finish all my choices by Dec~
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